Braised pork cutlets with grilled pineapple

Such a delicious combination, pork chops or cutlets may not always be

perfect quality for grilling or frying, much depends on the supplier, but if

in doubt, this braised recipe won’t let you down.

Serves 4

4 thickly cut pork culets, bone in

½ teaspoon fennel seeds, toasted

½ teaspoon chilli flakes

4/5 sage leaves, chopped

2/3 garlic cloves, chopped

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

salt and black pepper

glass of red wine & knob butter

1 pineapple, peeled, core removed & cut into wedges

If you can start a day or a least a few hours, to allow the pork to marinate and tenderize.

Place the pork in flat dish, mix the fennel seeds, chilli, sage, garlic, oil, vinegar and seasoning well

together, pour over the pork and leave to marinate in the fridge. When you are ready to cook,

Set the oven 180c gas 4. Heat a pan with a little more olive oil and brown the chops well on both

sides, Transfer to a baking dish, Pour the wine into the pan, boil up to reduce by half, add in any

remaining marinade plus the knob of butter, pour the lot over the chops, cover and cook in the

oven for 40/45 minutes or until the pork is 75c and really tender. You can cook some baked

potatoes in the oven at the same time. Just before serving grill the pineapple, a heavy cast iron

pan will give best results. Serve with the pork and a spoonful of sour cream for the potatoes.